Wednesday 26 August 2015

Miracles and Irrelevance

A miracle is most commonly defined as something happening that defies or breaks natural law. It's when something science says can't happen, does happen. What else could it be but a miracle? An intervention by a force superior of the laws of gravity, or entropy, or medicine. A break in the pattern of established knowledge or understanding. Something we can't explain.

Science, however, is full of things that it cannot explain. Its usual response is to say, "that's very interesting. We don't know the answer now, but one day we will." (Not a response allowed to the religious, who are expected to be able to answer literally any question that is put to them, on pain of revealing themselves to be fools and con men if they can't).

The reason nothing can happen that violates natural law is that natural law is made up of whatever actually does happens. If you have a law that says that what goes up must come down, and something goes up and doesn't come down, you have not violated natural law. What you have done is shown that that law needs to be rethought, revised, to take into account this new fact, this new occurrence. And natural law is perfectly able to do that. New information is built into the idea of science. Is there room for new information in your religion? Because, I've got to tell you, new information is coming at us pretty relentlessly.

It's one thing to say that scripture contains all that is necessary for salvation, to use Christian terms. It is another thing to say it must shut out all future facts, scholarship, experience, understanding, and social movements. Christians must respond to the world, interact with the world, yes, even learn from the world. That is because we must live in the world. Scripture must not be sealed off from life, a seamless web that must be forever protected, or a particular culturally-determined view of which, must be walled off from things like feminism and evolution. The Bible is not at war with life as much as you think.

The strength of science is its flexibility, it's openness. It can change and shift direction and absorb new events and new information and generate and respond to new ideas, all while still maintaining its integrity as science. Can religion? Can your religion? Are we locked in a once-and-for-all, full stop, hermetically sealed, self-contained system dropped on the world from outer space? Once an opinion of it is formed, must it simply be repeated over and over again endlessly and without nuance because that's what faith is? Which of those as described, science or religion, is more alive, more relevant?

It is not enough to simply repeat religious views over and over. Repetition is not faith. Being secure enough to reach out, branch out, to take in and turn over, even accept, modern issues, to dance a new dance because it is still you who are dancing, still your feet, your heart, your faithful self. Being faithful to dancing doesn't mean never learning new moves, or new music; we don't have to always and only dance to klezmer or panpipes. But we do have to dance. As faithful people we are not allowed to sit them all out. Try dancing to feminism, rather than sulking in a chair against a wall at the stupid music kids listen to today. Listen, the world is playing that tune, Evolution, again. Step out and take a twirl. The faith of the dance interacts with the music of social progress. Yes, you love your dance partner. Yes, it is heart pounding exercise. Yes it should be done joyfully. Be flexible, limber. Don't just stand there like you are up to your knees in gravel. Live, in the world as it is now, not as it was two thousand years ago. Faith is timeless, but belief in Noah's arc need not be. Jesus is for me, but I am me in this world, not AD 33.

The Bible is just the written down part of Christianity, and if all we needed was the part written down 2,000 years ago, then we would not have churches and denominations and theologians and priests and services/liturgy, music, sermons, communion, or the lived-in-this-world personal experiences of individuals relating to each other.

The difference between a novel and a play is that a play is alive. A novel happens inside you, in your head. A play outside you, in the world. Every performance of a play is different. Every actor brings something to the same script. Settings can change, costumes, techniques, scenery, machinery, - at one time females roles were played by men - classics are still performed, modern works are added. But if scripture is a novel, religion is a play. A play is acted on, acted out, in real time, by different generations. We have know Hamlet, but we neither present it nor experience it the way it was in Shakespeare's day. It is next to impossible to recreate that first performance, as interesting as trying to is.

I know you think the Bible is special because it was written by God but in truth it is Hamlet written by committee. Based on history, written by genius, expressed with poetry and plot and inspiration, insight, the Spirit; it attracts the most brilliant to it and is known even to the smallest in our culture. It has been studied for centuries. People devote their lives to understanding it. The Bible contains what is sufficient for Christian salvation. It is not the key to biological research or space travel. It is what brings God closer to Christians. But if the conversation ended in AD 100, no wonder some find it boring and irrelevant.

Monday 10 August 2015

The metaphor of religion

I have this fear, this fear of an atheist coming up to me and boldly asking me if I believe in God. What would I say? Probably, that I don't really believe in anything, because I don't really know what the word 'believe' means. Is it different than 'think' or 'know'? I believe the earth is round, I think the earth is round, I know the earth is round - there must be a difference, but what is it?

Rather, I would say that I participate in the religious life of a Christian community, and that allows me to say, "I am a Christian". I can even say why I am a Christian: because it suits me. Do I really believe in God? As a Christian, I use Christian language, thought, values, characters and narrative. I take God seriously. I make God, and thinking about God, learning, reading, praising God, loving God, a real part of my life. It is difficult not to believe something you love is real.

But I would not say I 'believe' that God 'exists' or that the Bible is 'true', unless you agreed to a discussion on what 'believe' and 'exists' and 'true' mean. I am liberal enough, and Christian enough, to accept seeing my religion as it is now as metaphor - the way everything is metaphor, the way science is metaphor, the way the Law of Gravity is metaphor - that structures and allows the living of life in relation to something that is useless to us without, or at least is more useful with, that very metaphorical or symbolic or concrete-seeming language, that idea.

To the extent that religion is philosophy with narrative, the philosophy and narrative and events I value and live are of Jesus.

That said, I must allow equally for love of Islam among Muslims, or Yahweh among Jews, or Hinduism among Hindus, or Secular Humanism among atheists. Folklore beliefs among folklore believers. Language is how we think when we do think, and language is, even individual words are, round-about generalized descriptions and ways of suggesting at what we have no other way of getting to. You may think that language is precise and specific and exact, but the questions that can be asked about a single word are legion, and definitions use words that require definitions, and they all require you be a speaker of that particular language. After however many translations and/or popularizations. Words are mainly defined, or explained, by other words.

So I can say that I speak Christianity, and that means it is an intrinsic, expressive, foundational, colouring, natural (after all, I have to speak some language) part of me that in some way is me, is part of how I live and think and feel and communicate with (be in communion with) others, and the world of ideas and values and decisions. Speaking religiously doesn't mean science is a lie any more than speaking Finnish means Spanish is a lie. Speaking science does not mean it is your duty to drive all other languages into extinction. But knowing a language, any language, does mean you speak to others, you communicate, dialogue, meet, learn, share, translate, teach, enjoy, grow the language, and yes, learn enough about other languages to benefit from and recognize them.

Language is not a perfect match for religion, even in the way I have been talking about them, but that also is the point. Using language as a metaphor for religion is sloppy the way using the facts of a specific religion as a metaphor for the heart of the mystery of love or life doesn't quite fit or cover all the bases. But so too science, logical positivism, utilitarianism, liberalism, economics, or anthropology. So too writing blogs.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

The Truth About Religion

Let’s start with the basics: religion is bad. This is because a) religion has motivated human beings to do violent, destructive, and immoral things throughout history, and b) because religion is a falsehood and falsehoods, by their very existence, are negatives. They are intellectual affronts to the purposeful consciousness of humans. We are, as has been said, the consciousness of the world, and the highest and best use of that, is to discover all the facts about the world that there are, regardless.

​Of course, if you are put off by the number and brutality of religious wars throughout history, bear in mind that every war that has ever been fought, religious or not, has been fought with the most up to date technology of the time. Technological innovations and scientific breakthroughs like the Atom Bomb, or Mustard Gas, or Cruise Missiles, or Machine Guns, or Broadswords, or the Long Bow, Cross Bow, Flamethrowers, Hand Grenades, the Guillotine, Electric Chair or the drugs for Lethal Injection (never mind the chemistry knowledge needed for a Meth Lab), were brought to us not by priests, but by science and technology. Science, however, is morally neutral and a scientist formulating a poison gas is not responsible for its use by some political or religious person, but only for its actual existence. It should not be taken as a reason to do away with science.

People have been killed in the name of democracy, capitalism, communism, freedom, the nation state, politics in general, and living standards. The point about religion is not just that bad things have been done in its name, but that those bad things were unnecessary and pointless, because it is a lie. Killing people in the name of democracy or politics at least has the advantage of politics and democracy being true things, intellectually solid reasons to kill, if you so choose.

What makes religion so pernicious is that it is so unnecessary. Since there is no God, any good you can get from religion can be got through psychology, philosophy, or the Rotary Club. There is no need for religion. It has nothing to offer that you can’t get elsewhere except for God and spirituality, which are both fictions and therefore don’t count. That billions of people think they subjectively get some good in religion that they can’t get elsewhere is not the point. That is a subjective sense of wellbeing, not an objective, defensible, fact. It is facts we are interested in, not truths, and the facts speak for themselves (well, actually, if they spoke for themselves we’d have heard from all of them by now – a kind of divine revelation, if you will).

Niels Bohr, who was a scientist and one of the founders of Quantum Theory, said that there are small truths and that there are large truths, and that while the opposite of a small truth was plainly false, the opposite of a large truth may also be true. That just goes to show that while scientists can be wrong, science itself always leads up the mountain the top of which it is the only path to.

Chesterton said that when the common people are faced with two truths that contradict each other, they will take both truths and live with the contradiction. Theologians have said that if God exists God exists differently than the way everything else that exists exists. This just goes to show that the physical brain is capable of conceiving of non-physical things, that philosophy is at least as hard a subject as science and that if you have a science and theology that contradict each other, the common person takes both and live with the contradiction. Common people are fools – that’s why they are common.

Everyone knows that there is only one right answer to any question. Everyone knows there is only one way for things to be. Everyone knows a real truth excludes all other possibilities – it’s common knowledge. There is only one reality, one way for things to exist – otherwise the door would be open to literally anything. Members of one religion would have to concede the legitimacy of other religions, or Leprechauns, or ghosts.

So religion and science agree. There is only, can be only, one truth. If something is right, everything else must be wrong; that is the lesson. The truth is that there are (to paraphrase Shakespeare) fewer things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio. Either that or there are more things. Or both. Depending. It’s hard to say.

But be of good cheer, and rejoice always; it isn’t about truth, it’s about life and having it more abundantly. It’s about what attitude to take to life and what community you want to be part of. It's about faith, for atheist or theist; faith as the making real in your life what you value. And nothing comes closer to being capital-T truth, than Life.